Thursday, January 24, 2013

Late night work-outs make me ramble

A few reasons why I know I'm a grown-ass woman:

The check-marks on my "Insanity" work-out calendar are actually motivating and do not feel patronizing or belittling--like they would have when I was a "young" person. I look at it and say "yeah, I WORKED today."

I work on something productive (or, more likely, several somethings!) every day. And I do it without procrastinating, 85% of the time. And I like it that way!

Speaking of work, I am ON IT. My classes have never gone so well.

I buy new pants when the old ones don't fit, and I make sure they look good first. End of story. No price tag guilt. No worries about "what it might say about me." And no wearing pants that are too tight in the hopes that they'll fit again, or pants that are too loose 'cause I haven't "had time" to get new ones yet.

I can do push-ups. Real ones. In a row.

My shoes make ME happy. I like to walk in them, stand in them, and kick booty in them. If you like them, that's nice, too. But you can bet I ain't wearin' no heels for you, no matter how close to 5'0" I am!

I will celebrate your accomplishments with you--without jealousy, remorse, or back-biting.

if you are beautiful, inside and out, I will show you, tell you, and appreciate you. You aren't a threat. You are an ally.

One way I know I'm still a kid:
I still can't follow my own rules for bed-time.
Pets are the best people ever.
I laugh with abandon, and every moment is an opportunity for a new game.

And I still play on facebook. ;-)

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